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Again some important steps towards release of RC2
OPN DEV NewsThe new Updatemanager assumes shape and is heavily under test by various testers.

Perhaps you will be amazed about a new updatemanager, because it was always possible to update OPN as some of you know from these old days of beta
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2004-01-16 20:32:56 23024
ATTENTION: Hotfix for OPN 2.2.3
OPN DEV NewsStrictly speaking it's not a bug in OPN but a bug in PHP. This hotfix blocks intrusions via manipulated PHPSession variables.

Luckily an unpatched OPN 2.2.3 can withstand such attacks, but there may remain 'dead' processes on the webserver.
..  read more
2004-12-26 11:56:42 42351
ATTENTION: security fix available
OPN DEV NewsUnfortunatly some opn-sites has been attacked by a very special exploit. We (the dev team) has been informed by that about 10:30 april 30. After an analysis and first hotfixes the cause is as followed (15:00 april 30):
  • a special weak
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2006-05-01 10:52:55 43412
Bugfix OPN 2.3.3
OPN DEV NewsOPN 2.3.3 is mostly a bugfix, but also we have two newest classes for the themes, there do you add in your theme.css.
The newest classes of css are:

.alternatorsubhead {
background: #bfdcfb;
border: solid 1px #A5A5A5; color: #000;
...  read more
2006-04-05 10:13:41 23507
Bugfix OPN-2.3.1
OPN DEV NewsIt's mostly a bugfix
Find the full version here: OPN 2.3.1

Find the patch here: update 2.3.0 to 2.3.1

openphpnuke-2.3.1-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.3.1-core.* - OPN without the
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2006-02-28 17:59:02 26721
Changes in category handling
OPN DEV NewsHombergs from the OPN developer team announces new efforts on caregories. All categories will get new info about position, images and usergroup. Multiple categories can now be associated to each other e.g an article can now belong to
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2005-07-18 11:18:39 36237
Changes in module Newsletter
OPN DEV NewsThe module newsletter is now controlled via the module usergroups. Anonymous users may subscribe/unsubscribe and get an email containing registration key, registration link, and detailed instructions as to what to do with those information.
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2003-05-19 18:08:58 13342
Changes in the contact us-form
OPN DEV NewsOriginally written by hombergs, translated by xtreme

In build 100 the module for your contact-form will be very much changed.
Now you can make the fields for URL, ICQ, firm, and location visible or invisible.
The module will contain

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2003-04-23 22:16:19 12140
Changes in Theme Structure in OPN 2.4
OPN DEV NewsThe theme structure was changed in OPN 2.4, so you should be careful when updating your old system and using an own them. We recommend you to install OPN locally and check your theme before uploading to your webspace.

2006-12-08 06:38:23 17374
Cross Upgrade postnuke to openPHPnuke: Tests are running...
OPN DEV News.....and they are looking good. Our betatesters are reporting the successful upgrade from postnuke version 0.71 and higher to openPHPnuke.

Until now, webmasters can upgrade from MyPhpNuke and PostNuke to openPHPnuke.

More cross upgrades
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2003-04-30 18:38:05 12363
Everything revised ...
OPN DEV NewsOriginally written by hombergs, translated by xtreme

... in build 100. This is an update which will be exactly as substantial as the former update containing improved date-stamp facilities.

To be more precise, quite many OPN features have
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2003-04-29 21:05:42 12413
Happy belated birthday, dear xweber!
Yes we know:
  • fancy cakes
  • jeeps

are some of the hobbys of you. So you get both. :-)
Best wishes and a lot of joy programming OPN

The Developer Team

2003-10-20 20:28:00 16604
Happy Birthday dear Bdragon
OPN DEV NewsAlso watch this little, nice and sweet pink dragon :-)

Best wishes and good luck for the future

OPN Dev Team

2003-12-13 07:40:23 11943
Happy Birthday dear DigitalPixel
......and as you are one of our "picassos " of the site, you get a very special cake :-)

Best wishes

OPN Dev Team


2003-11-30 16:32:21 11626
Improved textareas
HTML and BBCode buttons are now shown in textareas (where it makes sense). Smilies and userimages are only shown if click the appropriate icons. If the FCKEditor is installed, these icons are shown always. We hopethe elemnts are more clearly
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2005-07-18 11:34:43 37711
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
OPN DEV NewsMerry Christmas
Happy New Year!

We would like to wish all visitors to our website, a peaceful, joyful and safe Christmas and every good wish for 2004.

May be itīs the right time to say a big "Thank You" to the community and all the
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2003-12-23 23:11:31 14487
New Backendmodule
OPN DEV NewsHombergs writes:

In this beta download there will be a new module called backend. This module will replace all backend scripts in the root directory. So that not only articles can be presented as RSS/RDF feed, but also bookcorner, yellow
...  read more
2003-06-26 22:43:00 13406
OpenPHPNuke 2.0.2 Bugfix Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.0.2 Bugfix Release available

To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn-2.0.2

Find the patch here: opn-2.0.0-to-2.0.2

openphpnuke-2.0.2-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules
...  read more
2004-05-15 23:17:36 35210
OpenPHPNuke 2.1.0 Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.1.0 Release available

To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here:

Find the patch here

openphpnuke-2.1.0-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all
...  read more
2004-06-18 20:59:29 31976
OpenPHPNuke 2.1.1 Bugfix Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.1.1 Bugfix Release available

To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn-2.1.1

Find the patch here: opn-2.1.0-to-2.1.1

openphpnuke-2.1.1-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules
...  read more
2004-07-09 21:27:12 30441
OpenPHPNuke 2.1.2 Bugfix Release available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn-2.1.2

Find the patch here: opn-2.1.1-to-2.1.2

openphpnuke-2.1.2-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages
...  read more
2004-08-19 09:41:08 33227
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.0 Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.2.0 Release available

To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here:

Find the patch here

openphpnuke-2.2.0-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all
...  read more
2004-11-07 17:31:41 35936
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.1 Bugfix Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.2.1 Bugfix Release available

To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn-2.2.1

Find the patch here: opn-2.2.0-to-2.2.1

openphpnuke-2.2.1-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules
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2004-11-21 21:32:37 42236
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.2 available
To download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn 2.2.2

Find the patch here: update opn 2.2.1 to 2.2.2

openphpnuke-2.2.2-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages
...  read more
2004-12-02 20:20:59 42503
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.3 available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Find the full version here: opn 2.2.3

Find the patch here: update opn 2.2.2 to 2.2.3

openphpnuke-2.2.3-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages
...  read more
2004-12-26 13:10:11 39964
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.4 available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Read the
Changelog for OPN 2.2.4

Find the full version here: opn 2.2.4

Find the patch here: update opn 2.2.3 to 2.2.4

openphpnuke-2.2.4-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and
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2004-12-29 17:13:25 41629
OpenPHPNuke 2.2.6 available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

It's mostly a bugfix release to prepare the step to opn 2.3.0.

Find the full version here: OPN 2.2.6

Find the patch here: update OPN 2.2.5 to 2.2.6

openphpnuke-2.2.6-full.* -
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2005-05-06 11:36:54 46886
OpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available
OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available

There are really big changes from 2.2.6 to 2.3.0, nearly every file was edited.

There is now a WYSIWYG Editor called FCK Editor available.

Be aware to save your theme and modify it for the new
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2006-01-28 20:26:06 29756
OpenPHPnuke 2.4.8 available
OPN DEV NewsHello everyone,

the new release of OPN 2.4.8 is out!

There have been some bugfixes and quite a number of new features have been included! Please find all details in our changelog.

All downloads can be found here.
The full version and all
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2007-09-04 19:53:06 27733
OpenPHPNuke Bugfix Release 2.2.5 available
OPN DEV NewsTo download the files you must be registered and logged in!

Read the Changelog for OPN 2.2.5

Find the full version here: OPN 2.2.5

Find the patch here: update OPN 2.2.4 to 2.2.5

openphpnuke-2.2.5-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and
...  read more
2005-01-21 21:17:48 50169
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