OpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available   Topics   Auf Facebook posten

OPN DEV NewsOpenPHPNuke 2.3.0 Release available

There are really big changes from 2.2.6 to 2.3.0, nearly every file was edited.

There is now a WYSIWYG Editor called FCK Editor available.

Be aware to save your theme and modify it for the new version.

Find the full version here:

openphpnuke-2.3.0-full.* - The whole OPN, with modules and all languages included
openphpnuke-2.3.0-core.* - OPN without the modules
openphpnuke-2.3.0-modules-full.* - Only the modules complete
openphpnuke-2.3.0-module-xxx.* - single modules

If you have already installed 2.2.6 you can use the patch files (update)
openphpnuke-2.2.6-to-2.3.0-* . These files contain only the changes since version 2.2.6 .

We recommend to use the *.tgz oder *.tar.bz2 files.
These are much smaller than Zip's. Windows can use theses files without trouble:
*.tgz can be handled with Powerarchiver, Winzip or Winrar.
Powerarchiver or Winrar can handle *.tar.bz2 . A pure " tar for Windows" is available as gnuwin32.

The OPN-Team

Posted by spinne on 2006-01-28 20:26:06  (30519 * reads) 

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