
OPN NewsA very frequently asked question (mainly in private communications) of our visitors is concerning the position of OpenPHPNuke in the world of the Nukes: PhpNuke, PostNuke and all the others.

It's very difficult to answer this question, mainly if using a foreign language. We respect the work of other developer groups and their decisions, but sometimes we do it in an other way.

Using the name 'Nuke' in OpenPHPNuke shows the user, that he will get a system which has the following benefits:
- it's free
- easy to install
- low requirements
- lot of modules and functions
- easy to understand
- easy to handle
- and some more I currently do not remember

But most 'Nukes' are far away from the above.

Most of these other systems have their own big problems. Sometimes you see these problems very clear, but sometimes these problems are hidden deeply in the code and difficult to understand for "normal" users:
- security problems, no week without a hack of pages
- dirty code, difficult to handle and maintain
- unstable systems
- slow systems
- no or bad scaleability
- and some more I don't want to say

It's very easy to find the problems: Use 'google' and open your mind: Don't look at these whistles and bells but search for the problems the users have. Because these problems you will get in the future if you use these systems.

OpenPHPNuke will change these bad things and give a new quality to 'Nukes'. A secure and stable system, easy to handle and maintain. Check the code inside: It's truly rewritten, 100% modular and very new concepts are implemented.

We try to be 'Open':
- respect new ideas
- invite developers
- discuss OpenPHPNuke

So if you want to get the benefits from the Nukes and you are willing to do a deep cut in technology, then give OpenPHPNuke a try. Check OPN for a few days. And soon you will know, why we named our CMS 'OpenPHPNuke' and what's different to other 'Nukes'.

Posted by manne on 2004-05-30 18:16:59  (40770 * reads) 

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OPN Development and Releases

OPN NewsWe intend to make the process of development more transparent to facilitate co-operation with new developers joining OPN.

Further on we want to try to release new versions in shorter time to fulfill the wishes of the OPN community.

Needless to say, this is more work and the whole thing will only work for the future if you participate.

Up to now a big shortfall was the lack of the actual Developer Version. Because of technical circumstances the code had to be exchanged between the developers via eMail. Thus the maintenance of an version control system was a big obstacle.

But with Subversion we now have found a tool which can , thanks to it's https capability, provide a repository for version control over difficult to manage proxy servers.

(but our 12 000 files of the complete OPN currently still produce performance problems!)

The additional effort for the maintenance of the branches requires assistance. Volker (usernick: vosskaem) has agreed to look after the current release, afer that it will turn out wether it will feasible for him further. Volker is new to PHP, but knows subversion very well. Many thanks to Volker for his help and support!

So it depends on you, how often stable releases will be offered.

In our Developer's Corner you can find out more about things you should know and how to help us.

The OPN Team

Posted by xweber on 2004-04-05 21:43:08  (39439 * reads) 

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OpenPHPnuke Latest News! English Newsletter Available

OPN NewsStay informed about the current development of openPHPnuke and sign up for our free English newsletter. It will be distributed approximately once or twice a month.

You can subscribe and unsubscribe at any time. The personal data you enter will be used exclusively to periodically inform you about activities on this web site. None of your data will be sold. They won't be accessible to anybody except the maintainers of this web site.

Subscribe to the newsletter at Latest News

Posted by manne on 2004-04-04 20:50:44  (34195 * reads) 

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OpenPHPNuke 2.0.1 Bugfix Release available

OPN NewsThere is no bug free software! So we also had to fix some bugs after the Release 2.0.0. Many thanks to the users who helped with their bug messages to find and fix the bugs.

In our Download Area you find the following files:

openphpnuke-2.0.1-full.* - Complete OPN, incl. modules, all in one file
openphpnuke-2.0.1-core.* - Only core, without modules
openphpnuke-2.0.1-modules-full.* - All modules, without core, in one file
openphpnuke-2.0.1-module-xxx.* - single modules (only these who were changed since 2.0.0 )

If you have already installed OPN 2.0.0, you can use the files:
These files contain only the changes since 2.0.0.

We recommend using *.tgz oder *.tar.bz2 .
These are much smaller than Zip's. Windows users can use them too:
*.tgz can be used with e.g. Powerarchiver, Winzip or Winrar, *.tar.bz2 e.g. with Powerarchiver or Winrar. A 'pure' tar for Windows is available as gnuwin32.

The OPN-Team

Here some infos from our changelog:
2.0.1 Bugfix Release

User visible changes
[-] bugfix topiccategories produces false url and a missing global declaration
[-] bugfix in theme bleuesailes - missing language constant
[-] bugfix in admin/diagnostics/forumrepair
[-] bugfix uninitialized var in userinfo.php
[-] bugfix uninitialized var
[-] bugfix for unused get_var
[-] bugfix prevend corrupted urls
[+] improved Revisionnumber checking
[-] fix forum admin
[-] fix mailingclient wrong default var.
[-] category class: bugfix for parent selection
[-] fix banner admin worng var
[-] fix forum bot sql error
[-] fix mailclient admin
[-] fix mailingclient cronjob did not work
[-] fix menu:xl admin missing default
[-] fix
[-] change little html design in categorienav
[-] core fix *important* - ensures that cookie expire time is an integer
[-] fix: trouble + wish tickets - resolves type conflict in selectbox if no supporter has been set
[-] bugfix: worng css class used in class.opn_categorienav.php
[-] Fix metatags: tag was not displayed
[-] fix trouble_tickets: wrong url in admin section
[-] fix wish_tickets: wrong url in admin section
[-] fix forum: removed old and used setting
[-] fix forum: incorrect translation fixed
[-] fix forum: uninitialized var
[-] fix weblog
[-] bugfix sections: removed blockquote to display description
[-] calendar sidebox displays now appointments of today in the list too.
[-] fix BookButler
[-] fix sitemap TPL did not work
[-] fix bookbutler
[-] core fix
[-] user_lastseen admin sorting problem fixed
[-] Menubox produces unvalid XHTML if last menuitem has "Blank Line after Item" checked
[-] fix pm_msg
[-] fix forum admin
[-] fix: login with php 4.1.2 and register_globals=off impossible

Developer visible changes
[*] build.xml can upload a patchset or full set direct to a working server
[-] build.xml direct upload of core files includes now modules/index.html
[*] buildfile can create a patchset, version string is set in private
[*] Create revision.txt on export.

Posted by manne on 2004-03-30 08:39:52  (33415 * reads) 

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Welcome Freshmeat Visitors

OPN NewsNice to meet you here and be invited to download and test our 'baby': It's called OpenPHPNuke (OPN), a Web Content Management System, with a nearly completly redone code and structure. You see the results of more than two years of development.

Perhaps you join our Community, tell us what your are thinking about OPN and help us to improve this nice software.

See you later here

OPN Dev Team

Posted by manne on 2004-03-27 20:47:45  (37904 * reads) 

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