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It's very difficult to answer this question, mainly if using a foreign language. We respect the work of other developer groups and their decisions, but sometimes we do it in an other way.
Using the name 'Nuke' in OpenPHPNuke shows the user, that he will get a system which has the following benefits:
- it's free
- easy to install
- low requirements
- lot of modules and functions
- easy to understand
- easy to handle
- and some more I currently do not remember
But most 'Nukes' are far away from the above.
Most of these other systems have their own big problems. Sometimes you see these problems very clear, but sometimes these problems are hidden deeply in the code and difficult to understand for "normal" users:
- security problems, no week without a hack of pages
- dirty code, difficult to handle and maintain
- unstable systems
- slow systems
- no or bad scaleability
- and some more I don't want to say
It's very easy to find the problems: Use 'google' and open your mind: Don't look at these whistles and bells but search for the problems the users have. Because these problems you will get in the future if you use these systems.
OpenPHPNuke will change these bad things and give a new quality to 'Nukes'. A secure and stable system, easy to handle and maintain. Check the code inside: It's truly rewritten, 100% modular and very new concepts are implemented.
We try to be 'Open':
- respect new ideas
- invite developers
- discuss OpenPHPNuke
So if you want to get the benefits from the Nukes and you are willing to do a deep cut in technology, then give OpenPHPNuke a try. Check OPN for a few days. And soon you will know, why we named our CMS 'OpenPHPNuke' and what's different to other 'Nukes'.
Posted by manne on 2004-05-30 18:16:59 (42022 * reads)
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