Welcome Freshmeat Visitors      Auf Facebook posten http://www.openphpnuke.com/system/article/index.php?opnparams=CntdOAI3CmdWMlUw

OPN NewsNice to meet you here and be invited to download and test our 'baby': It's called OpenPHPNuke (OPN), a Web Content Management System, with a nearly completly redone code and structure. You see the results of more than two years of development.

Perhaps you join our Community, tell us what your are thinking about OPN and help us to improve this nice software.

See you later here

OPN Dev Team

Posted by manne on 2004-03-27 20:47:45  (39553 * reads) 

     Auf Facebook posten http://www.openphpnuke.com/system/article/index.php?opnparams=CntdOAI3CmdWMlUw


The comments are owned by the poster. We are not responsible for their content.

Re: Welcome Freshmeat Visitors 
by xweber on 2004-03-27 20:53:50  http://www.kamelfreunde.de

just want to let you know that there is a german speaking site http://www.openphpnuke.info.

Since most of the users so far are from german speaking areas, the is some little more information. We will extend this site here the next future.

Re: Welcome Freshmeat Visitors 
by anonymous on 2004-03-30 12:47:50 
Can anyone point me to a FAQ anywhere that has features & contrasts between the PHPNuke, OpenPHPNuke, and PostNuke platforms ?

Re: Welcome Freshmeat Visitors 
by manne on 2004-03-30 16:49:37 
You don't need a FAQ, because working with OPN let's you forget about other 'nukes'.
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