Info about: xweber

Info about: xweber


Joined April 14, 2003
Profile Views 6013

Age 56
Gender male

Last 10 comments by xweber
Re: Welcome Freshmeat Visitors
Re: Notepad on steroids!
Re: Again some important steps towards release of RC2
Re: PJIRC based IRC client module
Re: OpenPHPNuke ONLINE live test
Re: OpenPHPNuke ONLINE live test
Re: Happy belated birthday, dear xweber!
Re: King of "free" CMS?
Last 10 articles submissions sent by xweber
ATTENTION: security fix available
Merry Christmas
OPN Version 2.2.0 RC available
OPN Development and Releases
OPN goes Shell in RC2
Again some important steps towards release of RC2
OPN and the server configurations
Last 10 posting by xweber
fixed with #4961 - the list will open in a new window. Alex
the backup thing was just a "quick" thing. To get it work in all cases would be much effort wich is ...
bug confirmed and fixed with #4960
1.) no, it depends on .php as extension. You would have to rename it in many many many files 2.) I ...
i will have to review this. seems to be a bug. Alex
hmm, iis is quite untested. Also: whats your PHP version? The problem seems to be the part "....res...
yes, has nothing to do with database. The path is not correct so opn cannot go on. Please post what...
i think the database is already to big for saving. At least the behavior sounds like that. Is it pos...
we had the cross-upgrade feature a long time ago, but it is not up to date and so not wirking (yet)...
if you are logged in, go to the startpage. There is a box "OPN Network" The yellow one is the link...

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