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     side box,center box, opn box

Author Printer friendly pageside box,center box, opn box
Joined: December 18, 2003
Posts: 5
Send private message to sgtapple
Posted: 2003-12-18 19:21

The use of side box, center box, and opn box befuddles me. I've tried to add different side boxes and they don't show up. Then I chose activate all and they still don't show up. Can someone give me an explanation on how they are supposed to work?

Thanks for your time

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Unregistered User
Posted: 2003-12-18 19:28

2003-12-18 19:21
sgtapple wrote:
The use of side box, center box, and opn box befuddles me. I've tried to add different side boxes and they don't show up. Then I chose activate all and they still don't show up. Can someone give me an explanation on how they are supposed to work?

Thanks for your time

I believe that the opn box is depriciated...

But side and middle boxes sshould work ok.
The right side box sometimes disapperes but this depends on how the theme is create and 'some other'settings.

But always when you click the 'home'button (I always have two browser windows open....) you should see the sideboxes correctly.


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Joined: April 12, 2003
Posts: 198

Send private message to [manne]
Posted: 2003-12-18 21:16

may be this helps:



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Joined: December 18, 2003
Posts: 5
Send private message to sgtapple
Posted: 2003-12-19 02:47

I figured it out, thanks for the quick responses..

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