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     English Translation

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Joined: March 03, 2005
Posts: 2
Send private message to maxwell_edison
Posted: 2005-03-03 17:54


I used the script "PHP-Nuke" for years. It was very time-consuming to "re-translate" the bad grammar, poor spelling, and remaining Portuguese and Italian words to English -- in the "English Version" of the script. Every time it was upgraded, I had to start over. I sent the corrected files to PHP-Nuke, but they refused to accept proper English, never replied, and never fixed their script.

Does OpenPHPnuke.com accept corrections to the "English Version"? If not, just say so, and I promise not to bother you. As I said, the PHP-Nuke people just hated to have their English corrected!

I haven't begun installing OpenPHPnuke on my site, but here are a few things I've noticed:

"Members of Team" -- this is a main menu item. It's a shortened version of "Members of the Team", perhaps required because of the phrase length limits of the menu bar. But if you need fewer words there, use "Team Members", instead.

"Lastseen" -- another main menu item. This is may be a "variable", simply an error in the language file. It could be changed to "Last Seen".

"This eMail will not be published, but is required to send your password to you if you lost it" -- Change that last bit to "if you lose it."
I'd personally re-write that entire sentence. However, I'm not trying to nit-pick the translation -- I'll try to leave well enough alone if the meaning is clear.

"Private Messages Settings" -- This is in the "Edit User" window. In this instance, it's better to have "Private Message Settings". But, watch out! Some menu items may need to be "plural", to avoid confusion. One example (from PHP-Nuke):
If you change "Downloads Menu" to "Download Menu", the meaning changes from "List of Downloads" to "Send the Menu file to my computer".

"Talking Free" -- I don't know what this is! Some phrases give no clue about their meaning. It might be "Free Long-Distance Voice Calls", or a "Live Chat Room", or a "Discussion Board". So, I have to click it to find out -- and then I get the error "...you have no rights". Unless it's a trademark of the "Talking Free" company, a clarification of that menu item is on order. On a side note, if I install "Talk Free", I'll add text to the "no rights" page, explaining the advantages of "Talk Free", and how to get the "rights".

These are just some examples of grammar problems that could be corrected. If you don't appreciate the help, I'll cease immediately.

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Joined: April 12, 2003
Posts: 198

Send private message to [manne]
Posted: 2005-03-03 22:52

Long long time we waited for someone like you to help us to improve english translation....
so please stay with us ...you are very welcome.

If you start to correct the translation files, be sure we will implement them asap.
If you want send files use my adress: manne@openphpnuke.info

I will put these corrected files in our SVN, the OPN version control system.

You are very welcome,


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Joined: April 14, 2003
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Posted: 2005-03-04 09:59

Welcome to openphpnuke. Everything that will correct / improve the opn will be included. However, no rule withour execptions


PS: Talking Free is a very little chat system (it was just a code study in the beginning).

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Joined: April 12, 2003
Posts: 198

Send private message to [manne]
Posted: 2005-03-06 17:13

Hi David

got your emails and corrected files.
All ist included now in our trunk version as you can see here


You must not change filenames, we always work with trees.

Perhaps we should help you to install SVN to have always a current version available.

Thanks for your work


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Posted: 2012-03-19 11:14

Your artceils are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

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