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Joined: June 19, 2006
Posts: 17

Send private message to Beyond
Posted: 2006-09-19 23:29

Hello, How to add cyrillic (windows) encoding to OPEN CMS?
could you please tell me where this php folder.

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Joined: June 19, 2006
Posts: 17

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Posted: 2006-09-20 00:04

cyrillic (Windows-1251)

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Unregistered User
Posted: 2006-09-20 16:05

OPN use only ISO, UTF-8 and KOI8 encodings.
So try ISO-8859-5, UTF-8, KOI8-R or KOI8-U under admin settings server.

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Joined: June 19, 2006
Posts: 17

Send private message to Beyond
Posted: 2006-09-20 18:59

anonymous wrote at September 20, 2006 at 16:05:37 clock the following:

OPN use only ISO, UTF-8 and KOI8 encodings.
So try ISO-8859-5, UTF-8, KOI8-R or KOI8-U under admin settings server.

I lnow that OPN use only that encondings, so that why i'm asking how to change them and i which php folder or i should contactm my hosting provider about mysql?

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Joined: November 17, 2004
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From: Kyrgyzstan

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Posted: 2006-10-20 05:56


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Unregistered User
Posted: 2012-03-21 05:07

UTF-8 is the most simple Unicode ennodicg This is debatable. That would be UTF-32. The price you pay for endianness pales compared to what you have to do for processing UTF-8.

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Unregistered User
Posted: 2012-03-21 05:36

all I know is you seem to think gold bugs are idiots."First lets make eitsmhong every clear here...I don't think gold bugs are "idiots", I just think those that put all their money (or most) into PMs, as a hedge, haven't thought things all the way through to their logical ends.Now to your questions:"1) What _exactly_ do you stand for?"Does one have to stand for eitsmhong? And if one does, does that mean that which they stand for is everything they are? Or does it mean it's just one aspect of who they are? Or does it mean nothing, but just a label?I mean would it be better that I gave you an all compromising label like..I stand for the values of The American Republican Christians, the moral right of the nation?Or would it be better to say that I'm an Anarcho-socialist, who stands for an educated populous of free individuals where their only goal is self-realization?But what if I told you that by self-realization I mean rituals, aka Occult rituals?Or better yet what if I told you that I stand for nothing, but what the voice in my head and the feelings I have tells me - because it makes me feel good?Or even better, what if I told you I stand for what my father stood for (or some other family member) because my father was a good man?This much I can tell you, I'm not the latter two..."2) What do you want to see happen in the future?"What I would personally like for the future?A world that isn't dependent on man made things; a world that isn't about trashing the earth; a world where humans and other sentient beings (aka animals) can live in harmony; a world where humans don't exploit nature; a world without industrialization; a world without pollution; a world without money; a world without slave labor; a world without religion; a world without war; a world without crime; a world without fear for death; in short a world of peace.But you now... I highly doubt I, or any human, will ever see a world like that.More to follow...

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Unregistered User
Posted: 2012-06-19 10:24

Yup, it's cool. I had it corrupt some of my files It silpmy wouldn't convert them correctly. Don't remember what the problem was though Though, it had something to do with files, and not with iconv. It worked with jedit

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Unregistered User
Posted: 2012-06-21 04:08

... Numonic- Why then during the gteraest credit crunch in American history (1930-32) did prices not rise? In fact the price level fell approximately 25% during this period. When formulating your theories, do you take facts into account? I think the situation we(US) were in in the 1930s is the same situation China is in today. We were a creditor nation making our move to become a consumer/debtor nation just as China is trying to do right now. But when the producer decides to become the consumer, this causes a paradigm shift in the credit system. Some one has to be the producer otherwise there would be nothing for the consumer to consume. Anyway other nations credit tightened more than ours(US) did. The debt for gold for us(US) in the 1930s was like the US bonds China holds today. Those US bonds will default, just like the debt for gold defaulted during the 1930's and what will happen is China's currency will appreciate against those bonds just as the US dollar appreciated during the credit crunch of the 1930s.If you want to see how our currency will do today during this credit crunch you shouldn't be looking at US of the 1930s(we were a creditor nation then), you should be looking at the debtor nations of the 1930s, those nations hyperinflated.Of course you also have to take in to consideration supply and demand and this is why i think this paradigm shift is different from the 1930's and why i think this won't be a shift but a collapse of paper money and credit all together. See back in the 1930s there were more producer nations in the world than there are today. When the producer nations of today try to reap the fruits of their labor and make the move to major consumer, they will have a problem as there won't be as much producers ready to meet this demand as they will first be focused on producing and providing for themselves. This is one reason why the US dollar rallied during the 1930's because there was enough producers to meet the US' demand. Today that's not the case for China. Today the world is full of consumers and less producers(which is why there is slave labor as people have to be forced to work for little to nothing to provide for the consumers). When China tries to make this shift from major producer to major consumer, it will have a hard time finding things to consume as the rest of the worlds manufacturing sector is like and old engine in the cold winter. Everyone's currency will suffer devaluation. Credit globally will collapse. But I have faith that we'll make it through this as we have a larger world population and production will be encouraged due to the absence of credit. With the world working together producing, we'll grow our way out of poverty. production is growth. I don't think the earth was lacking products over the decades, the world was just lacking producers and the earth is very ripe for picking and I'm sure with the greater world population what we produce will be greater than anything the world has ever produced.

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