Author xtreme
Date 2003-09-21 16:19
Posts: cheers,

let me shower the OPN coders with compliments - cream topping and all - since my upgrade experience was smooth as can be: I especially loved the way the script guides webmasters though the process: well, I am certainly not a professional and yet I managed to upgrade my MPN site to OPN with no frowns at all.

All my users were transfered when all OPN modules were installed that are remotely related to "user" - everything up and running!

For silly me it was a great advantage that OPN held my hand during the cross-upgrade: I could see which MPN features were ready to upgrade and which were not - by giving the exact reason, I could modify things to suit the process. So then I managed to do a successful upgrade in no time.

My site was stuffed with texts, and MPN doesn't really let you format those to create an easily readable text. With OPN I got the opportunity to format all those texts much to my enthusiasm.

There was only one problem really: my pictures got scattered in various OPN CacheFolders - OPN paths did not refer to them and so I spent some time collecting my graphics and correcting the paths. Apart from that, my site content was fully available after the upgrade.

The greatest feature so far is the OPN blocks - side and center blocks can be moved to and fro with just a mouseclick... so your page content is really dynamically changed to fit your current projects: I LOVE THAT!

From my point of view, someone who upgrades from MPN to OPN will immediately come to appreciate this new CMS and will love it heaps and heaps - for my web-project, MPN was sufficient, allright, but soon I sensed its limitations - as far as I am concerned, there will be nothing that limits my artistic freedom with OPN: it is above and beyond all the CMS that I tried so far!

... for the genius OPN coders!

byebye MPN

Author xtreme
Date 2003-11-06 18:43
one more note:

... my users complimented me on having installed OPN.

They appreciate the system's smoothness and what is more - due to the user groups system they might now publish their own texts in a private area: a topic just for one individual's creative writing overflow

The point is that a user can thus be the chief editor for a topic - which again integrates them into the process of writing apart from the message board.

we love it

Author xweber
Date 2003-11-07 16:57
Posts: I like your kind of feedback


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