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Release 2.4.10 !

yes the new realease of OPN (Version 2.4.10) is out!
Several bugs have been fixed, and many new features have been added. For details please check the changelog.
There are major changes in the installation process:
- - working without the globals in php.ini
- - variables will tested on OPN conformity
- - you can go back the installations steps without loosing data - (optional)
- - password proposal
- - detection if cache/mainfile is not writeable.
- - automatic repair if cache/mainfile is not writeable.
- - debug modus on/off
- - themes_opn_default_****** / opn_templates_compiled_***** /
- - opn_templates_****** got wrong rights in the last installation version - fixed.
- - http auth added (in passwd.php name and password can be provided)
- - in case of an error (SQL): display of MySQL / SQLite version that is installed on your server.
The new module "user friends" will not be released until the next version.
The update is quite big, because nearly all files have been changed from 2007 to 2008.
For dowloading the new version please follow this link.
Your OPN-Team
Posted by golive on 2008-01-24 09:37:18 (50479 * reads)
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