The CREATE INDEX problem      Auf Facebook posten

OPN DEV NewsOriginally written by hombergs , translated by xtreme

Who among the Betatesters has encountered problems with CREATE INDEX on his webspace?
I believe, I’ve come up with a solution here.

If you are creating an index and receive the following error (access denied for user: 'XXX@YYY' to database 'ZZZ'), please go to your PHPMyAdmin if you can access that one, and try this: write
ALTER TABLE prefix_users ADD INDEX idxusersxx(uname)
and execute it. If the line is executed without mistakes, write:
ALTER TABLE prefix_users DROP INDEX idxusersxx
and execute that one, too.
In case you receive an error with the first ALTER TABLE , please mail me or send me a PM.
Notice that prefix_ has to be replaced with the prefix for the table you specified.

Posted by manne on 2003-04-24 23:37:03  (11073 * reads) 

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